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NOW新聞財經台 - 《經緯線》系列

A programme that related to social issues.

Create informative graphics and Teasers for every episode

Now Report (經緯線) is one of the most essential and valuable programme in Now TV.

This program mainly investigated and explored various social issues.
Every episode has its own short teaser, so my duty was to create it on time when the supervisor assigned me to handle it.




-Motion Tracking skill was applied here by using Adobe After Effects


- To pretend the effects of projection.

- There was a very great social movement happened in Hong Kong in 2019. In Nov 2019, the democratic camp projected their demands slogan onto the wall of Legislative Council.

- In this episode of NowReport, the teaser was designed to echo this event.


(The photo was came from Citizen News.)

節目《經緯線》 -  幼兒專題

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